Trying Alternative Medicine and Why It’s More Beneficial

Photo by: Bigstockphoto
Photo by: Bigstockphoto

Most people I know today simply turn to medicine whenever they get sick. That’s not bad if you ask me but remember that the medicines we take were created and synthesized in a laboratory. That alone tells you that you are taking something that is unnatural to the body. Of course, there are many benefits in taking synthesized medications however; the side effects of these medications sometimes result to more problems than its solution. So what can you do then? One of the best ways to do this is by trying alternative medicine.

Before modern technology was created, mankind relied on the cures that nature offered. It is a fact that people have used herbal treatments as means of treating illnesses and injuries. The use of selected plants and herbs have proven to be successful back in the early ages even before man synthesized and created his own medicine. However as time progressed and as modern medicine became the source of all cures, the use of natural medicine became obsolete to many people. Many even thought that natural medicine is primitive and unreliable. If this is the case then tell me, why are there still people who practice the use of alternative medicine at this modern age and time?

Before you say no to natural remedies, it is important that you know what it is and why it is good for you. Although I cannot really say that you need to stop using synthesized drugs as it is your freedom to do so. However, I would encourage you to keep an open mind and have other options before you deem natural medicine as something that only primitive people use. Keep also in mind that people have taken herbal extracts long before drugs were synthesized. So with that being said, here are some of the best reasons why you should consider alternative medicine:

  • Herbal medicine helps the body to utilize natural healing in the process of an illness or disease. Instead of suppressing the body’s potential to heal itself, natural medicine helps the body’s natural capacity to overcome its present condition.
  • It helps increase the body’s natural immunity. Although there are prescribed medications that help increase our immune system, using herbal medicine helps increase our immunity even better since there’s no harmful substances introduced in our system.
  • Side effects are lesser compared to prescribed medication. Drugs often cause adverse reactions ranging from a simple headache to something worse as convulsion, vomiting and many others. What’s even bad about prescribed drugs is that some companies are not even aware of the side effects whereas if you take herbal medicines, the chances of having side effects may be lesser and more expected compared to synthetic drugs.
  • It’s cheaper compared to modern medicine. How much are you paying for your anti-depressants these days? Hundreds of dollars, right? Herbal medicine on the other hand is cost-effective. You can also find different ways of taking herbs and natural medications like mixing your fruits, vegetables and herbs as juice. Not only that, growing your own produce and herbs is a lot cheaper than going back and forth to hospitals.

Now you know as to why many people are switching to alternative medicine. It’s easy to acquire and does not cost hundreds and thousands of dollars. So why not try this method as well? If you are