8 Ways To Protect Your Pooch From Cancer

Photo by: Bigstockphoto
Photo by: Bigstockphoto

7. Protection From Environmental Toxins

If you are based in the city, then you’re probably exposed to a lot of environment pollutants. This can cause cancer in both humans and dogs. Dogs are especially vulnerable because their bodies are sensitive to toxic substances. There are many ways to minimize, if not totally eliminate your canine companion’s exposure to toxins.

One way to do this is to minimize the use of common pesticides like flea and tick shampoos or soaps, keep your weed killers from plain sight and keep it locked up in a cabinet that only adult people can reach. Most households are teeming with carcinogenic items so it’s important to do a lot of research to identify and minimize the exposure to these toxic chemicals.

Dogs are also sensitive to cigarette smoke and just like human beings; they too could develop cancer from inhaling second-hand cigarette smoke.

Of course, there are situations where we can’t completely avoid all chemical exposures. The key here is to not shut down all sort of pollutants but digging deeper to uncover hidden cancer causes in your own home.