Harmful Food Combinations to Avoid at All Cost

Photo by: Bigstockphoto
Photo by: Bigstockphoto

Did you know that 1 in 3 American adults suffer from digestive issues? And that these medical issues are triggered by bad combinations of food? Unfortunately, certain food combinations cause an undesirable reaction to the gastrointestinal tract. These food combinations cause everything from an upset stomach to diarrhea. Below are 5 food combinations that are bad for the gut:

Fresh Fruits after a Meal

Eating fresh fruits for dessert seem like a healthy alternative to fattening desserts but it will only cause digestive issues because of fructose. Fruits, combined with other foods, take longer to digest in the gut. And when food stays too long in the stomach, it starts fermenting because of the natural sugars in the fruits.

According to health counselors, fruits must be eaten separately from grains, meats, and other foods. Fruits, especially seasonal ones, are complete meals themselves. They are packed with most of the nutrients you need in a day that you do not have to pair it with other foods.  To prevent digestive issues, eat a fruit an hour before the actual meal. Instead of eating fruits immediately after a meal, wait for at least three hours.

Carbs on Proteins

Starchy foods are often paired with proteins but did you know this is one of the main causes of gas, bloating and flatulence? According to health experts, carbs and proteins neutralize the stomach juices’ ability to process foods properly. Protein putrefies quickly while carbohydrates ferment in the stomach. Together, they cause the production of excessive gas.

Instead of combining carbs with proteins, try pairing animal protein with green leafy vegetables and carbs with non-starchy vegetables.

Animal Protein with Fat

It takes various processes to break down any type of oil in the digestive tract. Mixing oil with hard-to-digest foods complicates things further for the digestive system. Again, proteins tend to putrefy in the stomach and adding oil speeds up the purification process. Worse, some types of oil – such as saturated fats – tend to gum up the intestines so food is not broken down properly.

Instead of using vegetable oil, try replacing it with unrefined and organic oils like olive oil, coconut oil or canola oil. Seed oils are also great when paired with protein.

Sipping Liquids During a Meal

Taking sips of water or juice during a meal dilutes the stomach juices and enzymes. This makes it hard for the digestive system to break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Instead of taking sips of juice or water during a meal, try drinking at least 10 minutes before your meal. Don’t drink after a meal, you have to wait at least an hour before taking any liquid.

Protein on Protein

Protein is incredibly hard to digest. Imagine the level of stress your digestive tract goes through each time you pair protein with protein. Breaking down protein takes an enormous amount of energy and enzymes. Eventually, the body comes out depleted from nutrients just through digestion alone.

Instead of loading up on protein, pair a small portion of protein with vegetables. We recommend green leafy vegetables with high water content such as kale, cauliflower, broccoli, or lettuce.